Kelly's Story
Lucky number 13

Kelly's Story
For us, infertility was a long road. One that started in 2006 when we first started trying for a baby and one that we ended up on for 12 very long years...
After trying to fall pregnant naturally for the first two of those years with no luck, we were told IVF would be our best chance of conceiving and started the process back in 2008. And to our delight our very first cycle was successful - we fell pregnant with twins! At this point we thought we’d made it. I sailed through 6 months of pregnancy with no complications, so it was a total shock when I went into premature labour at 24 weeks. Our journey has brought us four beautiful children, but heartbreakingly only two of them are here with us today. Our babies, Sam and Lauren, were just too little to survive.
A gruelling four years and six further cycles of IVF followed before we finally took home our gorgeous son, Leo. It was then another six years and five cycles of IVF again before wonderful Ruby arrived. Lucky number 13! And 12 very long years from when our journey began.
Going through what we did has made me want to help others and I am pleased to be able to offer my support through Tiny Seeds, from being a friendly face at support meetings to a listening ear available to anyone who needs it. And I feel totally blessed to be where I am now. My children are my world. I would hate for anyone to have to experience what we went through but it has made us stronger, more compassionate and more appreciative of our beautiful family.